HTML5 + CSS3 = Future Web Standard

“Take that! Flash.” This is probably what going through Steve Job’s mind when the Apple releases the HTML5 demo developer page. Make sure you check it out!

HTML5 + CSS3 Readiness Chart

html5_CSS3 readiness chart

As I visit infosthetics today, I come across this chart which illustrates the readiness of the current browsers in regards to HTML5 and CSS3. It is obvious that IE still has a long way to go to compete with Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Firefox 4 Preview


I was a Firefox user and I still use it for occasional situation (banking). However, I find its increasing add-ons and plugins have made the browsers become cumbersome. Chrome has recently become my primary browser choice and, in my opinion, it is the fastest browser right now. Its user interface is clean and easy to … Continue reading

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